About Us

Castlemaine Eco Village Our vision is to create a new standard for sustainable living that fosters a sense of community and closer connection to nature. The Paddock eco village will be a beautiful place to live for people who enjoy a green lifestyle. It will comprise 27 homes, seven of which have now been built as part of stage 1, plus a community centre. Around two-thirds of the total space will be dedicated to shared food gardens, planted wetlands, small wetlands, native gardens and orchards. The Paddock: offering an outstanding lifestyle that is sustainable, connected and in touch with nature.


Websites & Online Services
Website: https://thepaddock.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepaddockecovillage/

Mobile: 0419 327 791

Office: 15-21 Reckleben St, Castlemaine, Victoria, 3450, Australia